Chair: Heikki Remes
Liaison: Henk den Besten

Concern for crack initiation and growth under cyclic loading as well as unstable crack propagation and tearing in ship and offshore structures. Due attention shall be paid to the suitability and uncertainty of physical models and testing. Consideration is to be given to practical application, statistical description and fracture control methods in design, fabrication and service.

Country Family Name First Name
Brazil Drumond Geovana Pereira
China Liu Junjie
Croatia Jurisic Paul
Denmark Haselbach Philipp
Finland Remes Heikki
Germany Kahl Adrian
Indonesia Prasetyo Fredhi Agung
Italy Sicchiero Mauro
Japan Kawabata Tomoya
Netherlands Deul Marije
Norway Heggelund Svein Erling
Republic of Korea An Gyubaek
United Kingdom del Amo Marta Vicente
United Kingdom Yeter Baran
USA Dong Pingsha
USA Soliman Mohamed